A collage of our skates

A collage of our skates
Can you tell who is whom?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Diary of a New Recruit: Passing Laps and Getting Bout-Ready

As we have previously written about, going from being a new recruit to a full member of the team is complicated. The place where all of us new recruits have been "stuck" for a while is laps. This is one of the WFTDA minimum requirements--it requires all skaters to be able to skate 27 laps in five minutes on order to be able to play. Recently Jenocide passed her laps and in this past week Smack Widow and I, Bilbo Stabbins, also passed our laps, which means we are technically bout-ready!
Bilbo Stabbins passes laps and immediately needs a nap and afternoon tea.

Look at Smack Widow go! (Photo courtesy of Tuscan aka Honey VooDoo)

Saying we were excited is an understatement.

There were lots of hugs and everyone was (and is) so proud of us! But now what? We had been so focused on passing laps (which required gaining strength, endurance, and even agility), but now what are we working toward? Oh yeah, playing derby!

Smack Widow and I will both be playing our very first bout, which is coming up quite soon!
If you don't know this already, you have some catching up to do!

We are technically bout-ready, but are we really bout-ready? I am already nervous! How can I cope with my anxiety if I am already feeling like this? My co-lap-passer, Widow, came to the rescue when she sent me this blog, which outlines everything a skater should do to prep for bout number one (and probably for future bouts too!).

 "First, take a deep breath."
Oh, this is good stuff! I hadn't thought of that! What else? *takes deep breath*
"Get your boutfit together – make sure you have the appropriate jersey and that your number is printed at least 4 inches tall – make sure you have the right bottoms, tights, socks – find these items early so you can have a couple dress rehearsal practices (it is very annoying to be pulling at your clothes during the bout)
Tell EVERYONE you know that you will be skating so they can clear their calendar"
These are just a few of the many things the blog tells us to do. Most of it is common sense to a skater and many of the things we have to do even just before a practice (hydrate, make sure you have all your gear, eat healthy, etc.). But I am certainly going to reference this blog often in the coming weeks.

So here I am getting my Map of Middle Earth pants ready, channeling my inner Suzy Hotrod, and telling of you, derby fans, to come support your Dire Skates, new and old. We can't wait to see you!

--Bilbo Stabbins

Friday, January 24, 2014

Spotlight: Bilbo Stabbins

Name: Bilbo Stabbins

Number: 42 (The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything!)

Position: blocker

Tell us about your non-derby self: I am a married mother of two. I am an English professor. I enjoy renaissance festivals, zombies, reading, crafts, and naps.

Were you a fan of the Dire Skates before joining?: YES! I loved coming to the games and one day I just said “I have to do this.”

Why did you join roller derby?: I wanted to be a part of something that seemed really fun. Derby is accepting of all types of women and it empowers them to be the best version of themselves. We need more of that in the world.

What is your favorite part of roller derby?: It’s great exercise, the other women are amazing and inspiring, and it’s really just fun to skate around and knock over people.

What are your roller derby goals?: I hope to become stronger and more agile so I can be a good asset to the team. I also hope I can become a better player who inspires others to come play derby!

What do you hope Dire Skates can do for Richmond?: I hope the Dire Skates can inspire young women and young people to get active physically, to get proactive about achieving his or her personal goals (even if they are not derby-related), and to get active in the community.

What are you skating on right now?: I am on Riedell Rogues, with Atom Poison Wheels (for Townsend) or Fugitives (for The Skate) and Reds bearings.

If you could skate anywhere, anytime, where and when would it be and why?: Most of the places I would like to visit don’t have the terrain to allow for skating, but it would be pretty fun to skate around in The Colosseum or around the halls of the White House. Ooh, wait, the Overlook Hotel in The Shining, Buckingham Palace…I am indecisive. Everywhere. That’s my answer.

If you could have any famous person alive or dead join Dire Skates, who would it be and why?: Amanda Palmer, Melissa McCarthy, Pink, Tina Fey…basically any fun and/or smart woman, including some friends who I hope join in the future. I want to sweat all over my favorite women.

Tell us one thing you want us to know about yourself: I like to dance, but only in kitchens.

Tell us one thing about another skater: Terahrizin is an amazing motivator especially when she is singing Olivia Newton-John, DJ Smear-O has knives for bones, and Dragon Balllzy is so hot, but it’s a trick! She is strong and fast and will knock you over, cracking your tailbone, and leaving you in the dust. Brutal.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's 'Bout Time

Editor's note: welcome back Jenocide and be sure to congratulate her! We are all quite proud of her. Also, be sure to read her previous post about passing her lap requirements.

Now that the crazy holidays are over, I finally have time to sit down and reflect on what is one of the coolest nights of my life. On December 8th, I actually got to skate in my first bout, which was a mixed scrimmage with the Gem City Roller Girls. For those of you who were there, a HUGE thank you for supporting the Dire Skates. For those who weren’t there, SHAME ON YOU!  Just kidding.  The weather was pretty crap-tastic that day, so you are forgiven.

So many words come to mind when I think about the day: excited, pumped, and stoked are just a few. I had looked forward to this day for a long time.

One other word also comes to mind: N-E-R-V-O-U-S. Being a new skater out on the track with ladies who make me look like a baby deer on ice was more than a little intimidating.

I can totally see the likeness.

Upon arriving at the event location, I could feel the nerves settling in. Sweaty palms? Check. Tight gut? Double check. Doing my best to shake the nerves, I went and began to gear up. Looking around at my teammates, I realized that I was the only person on my team who didn’t have my skater number on my jersey. Cue panic in 5..4..3..2..1!  Thanks to the always wonderful BadAZZ Mothercutter, who quickly found a Sharpie and hooked a sister up. And with that, I was ready to hit the track.

The bout was such an amazing experience. It was great to have my husband, kids, and parents in the crowd cheering me on. I actually got to play quite a bit and surprised myself with being able to keep up with veteran skaters. Also, I was on the winning team, which made it that much more awesome.  I am looking forward to our February bout already.  Be there or be square!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

January Skater of the Month: enTRUdir

Editor's note: This is a new feature! We'd like to honor a Dire Skates member each month in order to show all the behind the scenes and on the track effort the players put in. As we have previously written about, derby takes a lot of effort and a lot of DIY and sometimes the unicorns are actually members of the team. Look for a new "Skater of the Month" early each month!

enTRUdir, aka Trudi, blocks for the Dire Skates. Trudi tried out for the Dire Skates in January 31, 2010 (which was only the third meeting/practice for the team in the first round of tryouts for the team ever) after watching Naptown play the night prior in a bout called "Scar Wars." She is now our fearless leader, the glue that holds us together

enTRUdir is the official convener for the team, meaning she coordinates meetings and votes and makes sure we all do our jobs. She is basically a goddess. (Have you tried wrangling 20+ women into doing something? Not easy.) She has also been a fabulous mentor to us new skaters, constantly talking with us on the track and off during practice to help us grow as skaters. Trudi is level-headed, and serves as a great mediator. She records videos to recap our meetings to make sure we all know what is happening (because notes...who reads things? Wait...). And she reminds us that we can't cuss or be vulgar around the junior skaters...as much as we hate that, we know she is right. You know what, Trudi does so much that I don't even know what else she contributes (coordinating, logos, merch decisions...she's involved in all of it). enTRUdir is an invaluable member of the team and for that, we love her.

In addition to this, she works full time and is the mother to junior skater PUKE Skywalker who, I must say, has some big shoes to fill.

Here is what our coach, The Golffather, had to say about enTRUdir:
"Trudi…..what can I say about Trudi….she is one of the most thoughtful hard working people for the team. A lot of what she does in the background and doesn’t get seen directly, but you definitely see it indirectly. She is a quiet leader and is always willing to get out of her of her comfort zone on the track. She is always willing to help others. She doesn’t look to be in the limelight, she doesn’t want it. I am glad that I can say that I coach her, but even more, I call her a friend."
And Emily KickNsuM added this:
"Trudi is one of the older members and on the team and I don’t mean age, I mean the length of time she has spent with the team. Trudi has always pushed the team to hold to higher values and be a positive influence in our community. Her values off the track are very much the same on the track. Though she might not be the fastest skater on the team or have the hardest hit, Trudi is a solid blocker for the Dire Skates. More importantly she uses team work, knowledge, and communication on the track to get even more accomplished than big hits. I have several special memories of Trudi--one of which includes that we both went to the first Dire Skates tryouts and tried out together. To sum up the memory, she has come a long way from a girl in blue jeans with brown clown rental skates on."
Thank you for all you do, enTRudir.

Derby love.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Schedule!

We have (mostly) finalized our 2014 schedule. We hope to see you there!

Home Bout Dates:
Feb 15th Kuhlman Center vs. Bone City Rollers
May 10th Kuhlman Center vs. Battle Creek Cereal Killers and
July 19th Kuhlman Center Team vs. Lafayette Brawlin' Dolls
November date and team TBA

Away Bout Dates:
March 22nd @ Gem City Rollergirls
April 12th @ Ohio Valley Rollergirls
May (date TBA) @ Naptown Third Alarm (scrimmage)
September 6th @ Bone City Rollers 


Our first bout of 2014 is fast approaching!
Awesome flyer courtesy of GOREgon

We will be bouting for a new local non-profit organization, Richmond Shakespeare Festival! As posted on their Facebook page:
The mission of the Richmond Shakespeare Festival organization is to produce and promote an annual Shakespeare festival of the highest quality, including theatrical performances and educational opportunities, based in Richmond, Indiana.
We look forward to helping bring the arts to Richmond and we hope you'll be a part of the event.
Also courtesy of GOREgon (though it's a variation on this)


I become obsessed with the things I enjoy doing. For example, I am a huge geek for renaissance festivals; I sew outfits, I have a podcast with two friends, I road trip to as many fests as possible, and I regularly wish I were at a ren fest instead of being in the "real world." That is just how I do things.
Me as a pirate hanging out with mud people. NBD.

But it's not just ren fests. I love putting time into things that make me happy. Derby has brought a wonderful new love to my life. I am obsessed.
I am also obsessed with the middle woman's high-waisted shorts.

I am constantly reading about roller derby--the history of, rules, rule changes, technique, and I regularly stalk and fall in love with new derby girls every day (OMG WTF is pretty amazing btw). I stay up late look at booty shorts, bearings, and outdoor wheels or watching of bouts, speed skating, or workouts for legs and butts. I travel to bouts around the area when I can so I can see other derby girls in action. GOREgon, Ab Fab Eddie, and I (along with Mr. Ab Fab and NSO Celeste) went to see Naptown play. I didn't know it was possible, but my obsession actually grew.
Dora the Destroyer destroys and still looks fabulous. Also, yay!

In fact, as a new skater, this obsession is kind of necessary (though it manifests itself in different ways in different skaters). You have to work to become strong, fast, and agile and there is so much to the culture of derby to learn about to keep one motivated. And contributing to your team beyond playing takes time. Find what you love and learn about it, be the best you can at it, throw yourself in, and just let yourself be obsessed. It's worth it and oh so fun.

Happy Holidays from us!

We have been taking a break from practices to celebrate with our non-derby families, but we did make time for a Dire Skates holiday party. Good times. Happy Holidays from your Dire Skates!