A collage of our skates

A collage of our skates
Can you tell who is whom?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's 'Bout Time

Editor's note: welcome back Jenocide and be sure to congratulate her! We are all quite proud of her. Also, be sure to read her previous post about passing her lap requirements.

Now that the crazy holidays are over, I finally have time to sit down and reflect on what is one of the coolest nights of my life. On December 8th, I actually got to skate in my first bout, which was a mixed scrimmage with the Gem City Roller Girls. For those of you who were there, a HUGE thank you for supporting the Dire Skates. For those who weren’t there, SHAME ON YOU!  Just kidding.  The weather was pretty crap-tastic that day, so you are forgiven.

So many words come to mind when I think about the day: excited, pumped, and stoked are just a few. I had looked forward to this day for a long time.

One other word also comes to mind: N-E-R-V-O-U-S. Being a new skater out on the track with ladies who make me look like a baby deer on ice was more than a little intimidating.

I can totally see the likeness.

Upon arriving at the event location, I could feel the nerves settling in. Sweaty palms? Check. Tight gut? Double check. Doing my best to shake the nerves, I went and began to gear up. Looking around at my teammates, I realized that I was the only person on my team who didn’t have my skater number on my jersey. Cue panic in 5..4..3..2..1!  Thanks to the always wonderful BadAZZ Mothercutter, who quickly found a Sharpie and hooked a sister up. And with that, I was ready to hit the track.

The bout was such an amazing experience. It was great to have my husband, kids, and parents in the crowd cheering me on. I actually got to play quite a bit and surprised myself with being able to keep up with veteran skaters. Also, I was on the winning team, which made it that much more awesome.  I am looking forward to our February bout already.  Be there or be square!


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