A collage of our skates

A collage of our skates
Can you tell who is whom?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Clinics and Tryouts

We are still riding high on our recent win against A-Town. What a great game! The score was so close throughout and we took a win only at the every end. And what a great group of ladies!

We hope you enjoyed the bout as much as we did...and maybe now you are thinking you might even like to play roller derby. We would love for you to join us on the track!
Photo credit John Wijsman

You are in luck!

We are holding skating clinics on the following Sundays 4-6pm at The Skate:
  • November 30th 
  • December 7th
  • December 14th

We realize that you might have some hesitations and we are here to help. If you haven't skated since 10th grade, are convinced you are not the most graceful of people, or maybe have some skill, but would like to get some practice in, these clinics are for you!

Come on out to work on basic skating skills and see how we run our regular practices.

You can borrow skates and gear to start (though you will need to bring your own mouth guard, which can be purchased for a few bucks at Walmart), but you must be prepared to buy skates and gear if you want to continue. The staff at The Skate will help you order what you need because, let's face it, there are a lot of choices and things get confusing.

What my hair looks like after derby practice

We will hold tryouts on January 4th and 11th. I have previously written about how to prepare for tryouts, but I would like to add: "attend our clinics" to that list. Though you do not have to attend the clinics in order to attend tryouts, they will give you a head start!

Roller derby is great exercise, a fun way to meet people, and it is great to be a part of something that does so much for the community. Come be a part of the world's fastest growing sport!

We can't wait to see you at the clinics and tryouts!

--Bilbo Stabbins

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Roller Derby: It Saved Her Soul and Broke Her Ankle

Hello, Dire Skates fans! It's your newest derby girl here, SeanA the Dead--you may remember just reading about me a few weeks ago. I was the one who was super excited about just passing my laps, officially making the team, and preparing for my first big game and all that good stuff. This right here is pretty much sums up how I felt after the practice when I finally got that last lap to pass my minimum skills: 

Well fast forward to now and I am awaiting an ankle surgery next week! I was going hard at practice and let's just say it didn't end well for me.

 How I felt when the doctor came in and told me that I did in fact break my ankle.

I have to say I never would have thought that I would miss my skates as much as I do considering I am new to skating, but they constantly are on my mind. I am so determined to be back in them as soon as I can. I have so much support from my family and friends. The ladies and coaches on the team have been so supportive and I honestly didn't expect anything less. I have had a couple of teammates suggest things that I could do for the team because there are always behind the scenes things to do. It's all about staying involved and being a part of the team.

So in the mean time I am finding motivational quotes through Pinterest, looking up ways to strengthen my ankle after the surgery recovery, keeping up with the team and attending practices to watch while I can.

Not to mention some great exercise!

I may have gone down before my first chance to play, but SeanA the Dead will be back and I can't wait!

Much derby love!


Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Skater of the Month: Bilbo Stabbins

 The Dire Skates blog is typically written by Jessika or “Bilbo Stabbins". She takes care of the blog, takes votes and writes “Skater of the Month” posts, updates the FB page and a plethora of other things for the team. This month, however, Bilbo has been selected as the Skater of the Month and as her Sister, I have stepped in to write it for her. 

As Jessika’s “Big Sister” it is an absolute honor to write this entry about her. In roller derby, when a new skater comes on it is customary for that skater to be assigned a veteran skater to be her (or his) “big”. My job as Jessika’s big was to build a relationship with the new skater and answer any questions she may have, to spend time making sure she felt comfortable as a new addition and encourage her as she transitioned from new recruit, to team member. That relationship has evolved from a derby “assignment” to a real friendship. 

I first met Jessika in high school and became reacquainted with her in a Zumba class where she expressed interest in the upcoming Dire tryouts. Though apprehensive in the beginning, she has proved to be a strong, positive player who is willing to go the extra mile to be the best player and teammate she can be. Besides being a wife and mother of 2 wonderfully behaved and adorable boys, Jessika is a professor, a student pursuing a doctorate, and a blocker for the Dire Skates. She writes this blog and helps in pretty much every working group the team has....Aka: Derby Unicorn.  

Fellow skater Gina “RollHer Zombie” had this to say about Bilbo:
“What can I say, [Bilbo] is amazing. Her intelligence in life certainly comes through in her approach to the game. Although physically she is not where she maybe thinks she should be, I see her improve each time she hits the track. She truly does accept constructive criticism and pointers and she acts on them.”……”Our children are the same age and I truly enjoy our time both on and off the track. I am so glad she is part of my derby family.”

Dire Skates coach, “The Golf Father” has been coaching Bilbo for over a year now. He had this to say about her:
“Bilbo is a wonderful addition the the team both on and off the track. She has shown a lot of drive and is willing to learn and grow in the sport. Off the track she does a lot with the teams Facebook page and game day activities. I am looking forward to seeing where she might take herself in the game."

Fellow skater Emily KickNSum said:
"I love how she uses her talents to highlight the team in the blog. I also love how she is working hard on her PhD and still makes time for derby. She also pushes the team to learn more about derby by inviting people over to watch derby at her house."

Dire Skater, EnTruder says:
 "Bilbo Stabbins is one of the nicest and most giving players on the team. She is always    available to help out, and works hard during practice. One of the things I most admire about Bilbo is that she balances work, family, friends and is still so committed to derby that she finds extra time to skate the trail, workout in the gym etc. Thats dedication. Bilbo has a great sense of humor, and is possibly the person I see most often in my professional life. Usually it's kinda weird to see my derby sisters at work (because you want to hug, hip check, etc) but we laugh about it and move on"

Congrats, Bilbo and thank you for all that you do!