A collage of our skates

A collage of our skates
Can you tell who is whom?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Roller Derby: It Saved Her Soul and Broke Her Ankle

Hello, Dire Skates fans! It's your newest derby girl here, SeanA the Dead--you may remember just reading about me a few weeks ago. I was the one who was super excited about just passing my laps, officially making the team, and preparing for my first big game and all that good stuff. This right here is pretty much sums up how I felt after the practice when I finally got that last lap to pass my minimum skills: 

Well fast forward to now and I am awaiting an ankle surgery next week! I was going hard at practice and let's just say it didn't end well for me.

 How I felt when the doctor came in and told me that I did in fact break my ankle.

I have to say I never would have thought that I would miss my skates as much as I do considering I am new to skating, but they constantly are on my mind. I am so determined to be back in them as soon as I can. I have so much support from my family and friends. The ladies and coaches on the team have been so supportive and I honestly didn't expect anything less. I have had a couple of teammates suggest things that I could do for the team because there are always behind the scenes things to do. It's all about staying involved and being a part of the team.

So in the mean time I am finding motivational quotes through Pinterest, looking up ways to strengthen my ankle after the surgery recovery, keeping up with the team and attending practices to watch while I can.

Not to mention some great exercise!

I may have gone down before my first chance to play, but SeanA the Dead will be back and I can't wait!

Much derby love!


1 comment:

  1. Wishing you the Best. Keep that Positive Attitude and Commitment going.....
